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Hydronic floor heating uses hot water heated by a gas or electric boiler and is circulated through the panel system which pumps the hot water through the manifold(s) and into the tubing. This oxygen barrier tubing may be installed in the concrete (either on top of your subfloor or poured in) or stapled up underneath the subfloor in between the joists. Radiators and baseboard heaters may also be used.

The hot water will create efficient and comfortable heat throughout your house. It reduces noise (no fans) and allergens (no ductwork). In addition, your system can be zoned to customize your heating needs in various rooms.

Hydro-Smarts pre-built panels make installation fast and easy. Choose from our one-zone to multi-zone low or high panels matched with your desired boiler.  Complete your system with the required number of manifolds based on the size of your heating area.